NANTYGROES smallholding

For Sale


Duck and Hen eggs

Nantygroes Smallholding

There are usually plenty of Duck and Hen eggs for sale from our free range birds



Nantygroes Smallholding

Whole and half Llanwenog lamb boxes available in the autumn. First come first served. Last years were all booked long before they were ready!
Half a lamb will easily fit into one drawer of an upright freezer
Llanwenogs are not large commercial sheep so depending on how you have them butchered you will get about 6-7 Kg meat from half a lamb. Please contact to discuss individual butchering requirements (eg as there are only 2 of us we have the leg and shoulder joints halved)
Your lamb can be delivered fresh, and can either be used within 7 days or frozen for later use.


Llanwenog Fleeces

Nantygroes Smallholding

Buy one of our fleeces and spin your own wool.

Llanwenog fleece, a very nice fibre to handle, takes dye well, lovely to spin, makes a nice springy yarn perfectly soft enough to wear next to your skin unless you’re super-sensitive. Well-behaved when washing and prepping too, so suitable for beginners to experienced spinners.
For the more experienced of you :A bit of googling tells me Llanwenog is typically 31.5 - 34 micron; Corriedale 24.5 - 31.5. That seems about right to me - the finest Llanwenog similar to the least fine Corriedale.



Linda and Ian Tame  
SA19 7BQ  